The products in OOLVS online store (oolvs.com) are sourced from multiple factories and we only guarantee our products for not quality issues.
All products are strictly screened and inspected, and each package is quality checked by the OOLVS team more than 3 times before it leaves our transit warehouse to ensure that all products sold are free of any quality issues.
If you find any products in the OOLVS online store (oolvs.com) that are involved in trademark infringement, please contact us for verification in time.

April 2021



OOLVS and the OOLVS LOGO are trademarks of OOLVS Optics, Inc. OOLVS lenses are not Oakley lenses. Oakley, inc. is not associated with OOLVS and does not endorse, sponsor, or support OOLVS products. Any usage of their trademarks is only to describe the products bearing those marks.
